Hi All,
WYMeditor 0.5 beta 2 has been released!
This release brings new features and fixes bugs.
New features:
- New translations (e.g. Czech and Turkish)
- New API calls: wrap() and unwrap() [1]
These new helpers bring support for more inline elements,
such as acronym, abbreviation, cite, code, span, ... [2]
Bugs, improvements:
- Many bugs have been fixed since beta 1 (see the Trac for more info)
- The documentation and the test suite have been improved
- New example pages have been added
Last but not least, we're also working on a WYMeditor based RDFa editor.
A proof of concept is available in the package, or at the repository
browser [3].
Please feel free to discuss it on the forum [4].
As always, please refer to the Trac website for more information.
[1]: http://trac.wymeditor.org/trac/wiki/0.5 ... pleftright
[2]: http://files.wymeditor.org/wymeditor/tr ... ments.html
[3]: http://files.wymeditor.org/wymeditor/tr ... ditor.html
[4]: http://forum.wymeditor.org/forum/viewto ... ?f=3&t=418
Download WYMeditor:
Many thanks to all our donors and contributors who made this release