Anyway, I'm having a tough time integrating the editor to the point that it actually functions. I believe I'm not alone when I say that the minimal integration example ( is way too minimal for an example, and there doesn't seem to be a clear description of where the input is supposed to go.
For example, if I read in the contents of a text file that I want to edit, and that text is held in a variable named $pageContent, do I simply add an echo statement inside the <textarea> tags?
- Code: Select all
<textarea><?php echo $pageContent;?></textarea>
Or does that content need to be assigned to a JavaScript variable?
After that I should be fine. I can process forms and handle file reads/writes just fine.
I'm sorry if I'm missing something. I'm normally pretty clever when it comes to coding issues, but this one's had me banging my head against the wall. I figured it was time to ask for help rather than spend all day on trial-and-error techniques... I'm sure it's something simple.
Best Regards,