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Issues with containers

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Issues with containers

Postby fonziguy on Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:27 pm


Firstly, this text editor is great. Over the past 10 months I've converted to CSS & web standards websites but since doing this I have been reluctant to give clients much control over content via the CMS due to the fact that the content they enter will be invalid. This will change now however after discovering WYMeditor :D

I've only just started using it however and am having problems.

In Firefox the containers aren't appearing when I type text or select a container and in Explorer they are appearing, but when I try to change the container the text disappears.

I have uploaded a test page

I appreciate any help and I hope someone out there can find my problem.

Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:19 pm

Postby mac72 on Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:54 pm

I had the same issue, but I noticed that it disappeared when I specified some default content.

See the customization page:

Also, I've noticed that if I've set any container to a H1,H2,H3, etc. then a carriage return will not start a new container. If the container is a paragraph, the carriage return works, though, and starts a new container.

Hope this helps,
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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:09 pm

Postby jfh on Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:16 am

Hi! Please RTFM :wink:
You need at least jQuery 1.1.3a
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Postby fonziguy on Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:49 pm

Thanks for the reply guys, appreciate the help & I hate not being able to figure this out myself.

I checked out the demo and copied some code over to fill the editor with default text, however, now I can get it working in Firefox but in IE7 i get a Javascript error.

Any suggestions?
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Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:19 pm

Postby fonziguy on Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:40 pm

Ok, I have no idea what the problem was but I have started afresh by removing all the code and starting again and it now works fine :D

Dear knows what was wrong, most likely a small spelling mistake or something common like that.

Thanks for the help.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:19 pm

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