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Postby Axji on Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:43 pm


first of all its a nice work you're doing with the Editor.
I have a Page with frames and i get an Javascript error from WymEditor 'window.parent.WYM_INSTANCES.0' is Null or not an Object. When i start the page outside the Frameset there is no Error and everything has the normal Functionality.
Second idea is that some of Your Java script code has some conflicts with mine in one of the other frame pages. In this Case i will use a work around to start the Editor in a popup but if there is a better solution i'll prefer this.


Edit: I tried without the Javascripts (outside) and the same Failure appears. Has someone else sucessfully used this editor in a Framed Website?
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Postby jfh on Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:46 pm

Hi Axji, is there a test page somewhere which we can check out?
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Postby Axji on Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:23 am

Hello JFH

Unfortunatly not, I'm working in a big enterprise and it is not allowed to publish code-parts of our intern homepage and because it is a interanet application there is no way to give you direct access.
I will try to simulate the error at home on my personal homepage then maybe i can give you the link & the source.
But the more important question is if sombody has sucessfuly used this editor in a framed Page.

regards Axel (Axji)
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Postby mantis on Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:58 pm


I wasn't able to get it to work in place of FCKeditor which was in a frame as well, but as soon as I redesigned the entire layout in css (bit of a mission) it worked fine. Seems to be some issue with it not being able to function inside another frame because of the iframe in the wymeditor...

not sure what it is though...
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Postby jfh on Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:54 am

FYI, I created ticket #64 and will try to fix that issue for 0.4 stable.
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