0.3 looks awesome guys, keep it up!
One question though: I have a page with two textareas (both with the same classname) but only the first one seems to get "loaded" by WYM. The other one just stays a plain textarea. Am I missing an option or something?
I created some simple html using two textareas and everything works flawlessly so no bug in WYM. I am starting to think that my xhtml is broken and that JQuery is not finding the other textarea. As soon as I find out how to debug JQuery I'll post the outcome.
This is unreal.... the reason WYM broke is because I had an input element in my html that was named "nodeName". It turns out that JQuery uses the same name as a variable or something (case-sensitive). Simply put: do not use variable names used in JQuery to name your elements or very bad things will happen.
Maybe this will be helpful for someone in the future.