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Odd... B button creates <strong> or <span>

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Odd... B button creates <strong> or <span>

Postby mac72 on Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:16 pm


It seems like when I press the B button, sometimes the markup is a STRONG tag and other times it's a SPAN tag with an inline style of bold.

There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to this, but I thought I'd ask. I would prefer if the button ONLY produced STRONG tags. Then a class could be applied as necessary or the CSS could dictate what the style should be from its parent container.

Any ideas? Thanks!
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Re: Odd... B button creates <strong> or <span>

Postby bermi on Mon Jul 16, 2007 12:41 am

Could you please report your browser version, Operating system and WYM version?

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Postby mac72 on Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:48 pm

I have a dual-boot Intel iMac with the following setups tested:

1. Windows XP Home SP2 with Firefox and IE 6
2. Mac OS X 10.4.9 with Firefox

The problem I'm having is always in Firefox on Mac, never in Windows, and I'm using WYMeditor 0.3 on my web server.

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Postby bermi on Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:02 pm

WYMeditor 0.3 uses an if/else approach to handle design mode tags like style spans that Firefox inserts for formatting, so we have recoded the parsing engine on version WYMeditor 0.4 beta to handle that sort of situations more efficiently.

I've got the same setup as you and I'm not able to reproduce your problem on WYMeditor 0.4 beta, so if you can upgrade, you might get rid of the problem.

If you still get the error after the update, please try to publish your editor to a public URL and describe the steps for reproducing the bug.

Let me know if it worked.
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Postby mac72 on Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:49 pm


I'll try to make the cutover to 0.4 and let you guys know if the issue goes away.

Is the integration the same as 0.3? That is, can I just upload the new files in the place of the old ones?
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Postby bermi on Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:57 am

The integration is the same. Plus you have two new ways to set up your editor using plain CSS.
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Postby mac72 on Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:50 am

Looks like 0.4 took care of the problem... thanks a bunch.

However, I'm still a little disappointed that DIV containers aren't yet there by default. It seems like that would have been one of the first things on the feature list.

I've managed to define a DIV container and it works to insert a div in the code, but the entry in the container pulldown has brackets around the title (like so: {Div}) and even though I've added new entries to the CSS, the DIV containers don't show up like other containers (white boxes).

Anything I'm missing?

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Postby jfh on Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:09 pm

mac72 wrote:However, I'm still a little disappointed that DIV containers aren't yet there by default. It seems like that would have been one of the first things on the feature list.

Actually this isn't so easy, especially in MSIE. I made some tests while I was working on 0.1 and IIRC the DIVs were messing up the contentEditable.
Anyway, please feel free to submit a feature request on the Trac.
mac72 wrote:I've managed to define a DIV container and it works to insert a div in the code, but the entry in the container pulldown has brackets around the title (like so: {Div})

I see. You need to add the translation in the language arrays.
There's currently no option to do this easily.
I suggest to use the preInit option and to add the value like this:
Code: Select all
preInit: function(wym) {
    WYM_STRINGS_EN = $j.extend({Div: 'Your translation here'}, WYM_STRINGS_EN);

Note: this is for English - replace EN by the language you use.
and even though I've added new entries to the CSS, the DIV containers don't show up like other containers (white boxes).

Please post the code so I can tell you what's wrong.
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