Sorry for my english,
this my solution :
you need to add/insert :
- line 366 :
- Code: Select all
targetSelector: ".wym_target",
- insert after line 457 : (dialog link)
- Code: Select all
+ "<div class='row'>"
+ "<label>Target</label>"
+ "<input type='checkbox' class='wym_target' size='40' /> New window"
+ "</div>"
- insert after line 1325 (into : if(link){...)
if the checkbox is checked :- Code: Select all
link.attr("onclick", ";return false;");
}else {
- insert after line 1294 (into : if(selected){...
to check the checkox into the link dialog when the target exist
- Code: Select all
Pour que l'attribut target="_blank" passe le W3C, il faut remplacer par un
onclick=";return false;"