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Changing default editing behavior

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Changing default editing behavior

Postby longhairedsi on Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:06 pm


I've just started working with WYM editor and am loving the concept, the trouble is i'm not versed in jQuery at all, so have been finding the going a little difficult.

I have the requirement to change the default behavior of the editor so when hitting enter a new paragraph is not generated but an <li></li>, this would mean that root element of the doc(after body) would always be a <ul></ul>. I also have the requirement to have nested ul's, the way I see this working is if the current selection is a <li> and you ctrl->enter it creates a new nested ul and li(but also with a sub ul button in a panel to convert the current selection(li) to a nested ul in the previousSibling). Potentialy there would be many nested ul's. Also on paste, what would usualy be converted to p's would be converted to li's.

Can anyone point me in the correct direction of how i can extend/alter the code to these requirements? e.g which functions i should be looking at? Is there currently a way to extend to override default behavior?

Cheers si
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