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fix the demo

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fix the demo

Postby daniel on Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:06 pm


Please fix your demo, because
1. It is not a valid markup
2. It is not even XHTML - please change you DTD, because you are using it in a wrong way. IFRAME is not a part of XHTML Strict. Send the correct content-type header and look at the site in a modern browser.

You probably know all of this, but you should clarify, that you are only XHTML Transitional compliant, not XHTML in general.

My site makes use of XHTML Strict, sending the correct application/xhtml+xml header. And that means, I can't use your editor.

Please correct me if I'm wrong (I wish I was!)
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Postby jfh on Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:23 pm

Hi daniel,

Yes you're right. The code of editor.htm isn't XHTML strict compliant, not even transitional, because it uses proprietary attributes.
I did this because I had to deal with legacy browsers (in fact MSIE).
So, WYMeditor generates XHTML strict code (or tries to), but the 'interface' isn't compliant, because it must be compatible with MSIE (used by 90% of my customers - from 5.5 to 7.0).
If you don't mind MSIE users, you can change the doctype to transitional, specify the right namespace, and remove proprietary attributes in the body tag and in the div id="editor", and I guess it will work.

Note: I'm currently working on version 0.3, which will use other techniques (as jQuery), and maybe won't use the tag soup anymore.

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Postby daniel on Sat Dec 02, 2006 10:50 pm


I will try. Yes, I don't care about MSIE. I told the people who will use the section wth the editor to use FF 2.0, but of course, I understand why you support do MSIE.

What I need is a really basic tool, but I feel very uncomfortable with all those editors. I never trust them, that they will produce valid code. Sending a correct content-type forces me to be very sensitive about this issue... I've checked a lot of the editors in the past few years. None of them was producing a reliable code...

I'll play with your code in January... I hope it will work somehow, because I can't see any other option on the web...
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Some people WANT Transitional

Postby Mike Gale on Mon Dec 18, 2006 5:14 pm

There are different constituencies on this one.

Some people want XHTML Transitional.

Some people want all the most common browsers to be able to edit.

How does the editor handle any differences that may arise from this?
Mike Gale
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Re: Some people WANT Transitional

Postby jfh on Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:37 am

Mike Gale wrote:There are different constituencies on this one.

Some people want XHTML Transitional.

Some people want all the most common browsers to be able to edit.

How does the editor handle any differences that may arise from this?

WYMeditor tries to output XHTML strict 1.0, so it cleans up the code generated by MSIE' contentEditable and Gecko' Midas.

An important point though: only a limited set of XHTML elements are supported by WYMeditor, to keep it 'simple' and stable.
It's easy to create your custom classes and apply them to basic elements (paragraphs, lists, and so on), so you can manipulate them with a XSLT and generate whatever you want.
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