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Basic stuff?? Saving the input...

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Basic stuff?? Saving the input...

Postby rushlink on Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:41 am

What i'm trying to do is pbly very basic, but i'm not sure how to use this editor, etc...
what i need to do is save the content of the editor to an HTML file...
The user makes a 'page'...
The user clicks a button, and it saves the page to a file...

How would i do that? I'm not quite sure how this software works :( i can code PHP, and a bit of JS, but i'm completely lost here :'( This editor works GREAT for what i'm trying to do in the long run; however, i need to save/output the HTML code somehow. Please assume that i know nothing about this software, because that's basically the situation. I've tried looking through the docs (online), but i am still lost. I will look a bit longer tonight, but i need to go to work in the morning :(


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Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:35 am

Postby troyr on Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:43 am

Code: Select all

to your submit button
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:39 am

Postby rushlink on Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:37 am

Ok, thanks... I started using the FCK editor instead tho, i understand it a little more... But if i could program JavaScript better, i would defiantly use this one...
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:35 am

Postby mr_lundis on Sat Apr 05, 2008 4:32 pm

rushlink wrote:Ok, thanks... I started using the FCK editor instead tho, i understand it a little more... But if i could program JavaScript better, i would defiantly use this one...
Saving the response to a file has nothing to do with the editor itself nor javascript, that's completely server side! What you'll need to do is to get the response ($_POST['your-wym-instance']) and write it to a file (fopen(),fwrite(),fclose()).

There's a lot of questions about this, maybe it's time fore someone to write an article in the wiki about this, or maybe to post a tutorial.
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Location: Sweden

Postby rushlink on Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:23 pm

ya, or tutorials on basic usage, and implementation..
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:35 am

Postby mr_lundis on Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:36 pm

rushlink wrote:ya, or tutorials on basic usage, and implementation..
Posts: 335
Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:59 am
Location: Sweden

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