I added a custom button to my WymEditor implementation using this code:
- Code: Select all
var html = "<li class='wym_tools_clearbutton'>"
+ "<a name='ClearButton' href='#'"
+ " title='" + WYM_STRINGS[wymLang]["ClearContent"] + "'"
+ " style='background-image:"
+ " url(scripts/wymedit/wymeditor/skins/default/clearbutton2.png)'>"
+ "ClearContent"
+ "</a></li>";
In the translation javascripts I added this line as the last entry of each array:
- Code: Select all
Classes: 'Classes',
Status: 'Status',
Source_Code: 'Source code',
ClearContent: 'Clear content'
The tooltip that appears below my custom button is translated, but somehow I always get an "undefined" on the english translation.
It works with german, italian and french translations but the WYM_STRINGS['en'] array doesn't even hold a value for the key "ClearContent".
Is the english translation file cleaned or overwritten somewhere else to ensure a clean default translation ?