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Annoying scrolling in IE6

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Annoying scrolling in IE6

Postby roundash on Fri May 16, 2008 3:37 pm

Great news about version 0.5 by the way. I'm hoping to try it out soon.

I was just wondering if anyone else has come across an issue with IE6 - or if it is something I'm doing wrong.

If your html is fairly long so that it is not all visible in the iframe at once and you scroll to the bottom to highlight some text for editing and then select an icon (in fact just moving out of the iframe is enough), IE automatically scrolls back to the top of the html. This means that to check your edits you have to scroll back down again.

Firefox doesn't do this - you move the cursor out of the iframe and the text stays exactly where it was.

Any ideas?
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Re: Annoying scrolling in IE6

Postby jfh on Mon May 19, 2008 8:41 pm

I can't reproduce the issue.
Is a test page available?
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Re: Annoying scrolling in IE6

Postby roundash on Thu May 22, 2008 4:03 pm

Thanks for your response

I see that on your demo pages, IE^ doesn't exhibit this behaviour so it must be something in my code.

I have made a few changes to my scripts (mainly for the File and Image dialogs) so will compare these against your original first to see if there is anything obvious that might be causing this.
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Re: Annoying scrolling in IE6

Postby roundash on Tue May 27, 2008 8:58 pm

I finally managed to work out what was causing this by stripping the page down to the bare minimum to make the editor work.

This occurs in IE6 if the textarea is within an html table.

Unfortunately, after I worked it out I found a reference to the exact same issue in Ticket #98 :(
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Re: Annoying scrolling in IE6

Postby jfh on Fri May 30, 2008 8:17 pm

Could you please comment #98, explaining how to avoid the issue?
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Re: Annoying scrolling in IE6

Postby roundash on Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:40 pm

I see that you have investigated this further and that it does work with a minimal skin.
The way to work around the problem is to ensure that the form, textarea and submit buttons etc are wrapped in div tags and not table cells.
This is not a major problem once you are aware of it, but slightly complicated things if you want multiple textareas.
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