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basic usuage question

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basic usuage question

Postby jhughes96 on Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:37 am

I've just come across this editor as I've been looking for a XHTML friendly one for some CMS apps.

My question is the demo (for instance) can you apply a class to just a selection of text in a paragraph? For instance if I had a class called (errr...) "special" can I use the editor to apply that class to just a selection from a paragraph rather than the paragraph as a whole?

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Re: basic usuage question

Postby jfh on Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:54 pm

jhughes96 wrote:Hi,
I've just come across this editor as I've been looking for a XHTML friendly one for some CMS apps.

My question is the demo (for instance) can you apply a class to just a selection of text in a paragraph? For instance if I had a class called (errr...) "special" can I use the editor to apply that class to just a selection from a paragraph rather than the paragraph as a whole?


I guess you're talking about span elements, which aren't currently supported by the editor.
The easiest way to apply a class to a selection of text is to use strong or emphasis (B and I buttons), and then apply the class on it.

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