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Problem with changing Links

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Problem with changing Links

Postby filchos on Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:03 am


is it possible to change/edit links or do I have to use Unlink and Link again?

Browser: Firefox / Mac OS X 10.4

If I mark a link again and click on Link, the input fields [URL] and [title] of the popup are empty and doesn't show the link properties.

If I just click inside the link (selecting nothing), the input fields are filled correctly but making changes does not update the editors html.

Is this a bug or don't I understand the concept of this editor? How can a user work with links?

Thanks in advance,
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:21 pm

Re: Problem with changing Links

Postby jfh on Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:26 pm


I confirm it's a bug (FF only), but not always reproducible.
It seems that it depends on the way you select the link - sometimes the catched selection is incorrect.
Needs investigation.
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