I found myself with some time over last night, so I decided to try to implement Simon Woodside embed patch as a WYMeditor plug-in. The plug-in is rather experimental, be warned.
If you want to try it out, grab a fresh copy of the trunk and open up the
embed.html inside the
test directory or add the
jquery.wymeditor.embed.js file to your WYMeditor page.
Current issues:
- The closing object tag gets striped out. The same thing occurs using a patched version of WYMeditor (without the plug-in.)
- The editor isn't handling objects/embeds very well, the code needs to be inserted in html/source mode.
Please feel free to come with improvements.
Edit:Just to clarify, this isn't an official embed plug-in for WYMeditor, just a workaround (or whatever you'd like to call it) to enable embeds in WYmeditor. A progressive enhancement approach (like what petha443 is talking about) is still the recommended way of doing this.