Hi, I'm developing a little project, the problem is that i'm spanish and the web is in spanish.
When I started developing I decided to use iso 8859-1 because I've had problems with utf 8 and now I decided to use WYMeditor because it's the simplest thing that i've seen BUT I'm having problems with the charset , if the webpage is in utf-8, wym looks ok, but other things don't, if the web is in iso 8859 wym looks bad, but other looks well.
I tried changind the db charset and the web, i tried too changing the charset in wymiframe.html , I searched in the forum and i saw that solution but it didn't solve my problems. I looked in the wiki and saw something about trac.ini http://trac.wymeditor.org/trac/wiki/TracIni but i don't have that file