I'm attempting to use the stylesheet option to include a small section of code that just styles the lists in the editor. The issue is that I can't figure out which styles to modify in order to change the default of decimal list ordering only (1. 2. 3. etc) to something like upper-alpha, decimal, lower-alpha. My clients use the editor as intended and I then style their documents afterwards with the preferred method of styling (which happens to be alpha -> decimal -> lower-alpha) and it's confusing composing a document which then receives a new list numbering system.
I've tried both of the following (plus a lot of other stuff) test css snippets to see if I can have any effect:
- Code: Select all
/* WYMeditor */
/* LIST: Special */
.wym_section ol {
/* /WYMeditor */
- Code: Select all
/* WYMeditor */
.wym_containers_p ol {
/* /WYMeditor */
And neither have any effect on the number when called with:
- Code: Select all
basePath: 'http://branch.pstat/lib/wymeditor/wymeditor/',
html: '',
stylesheet: '/wymeditor_style/',
skinPath: 'http://branch.pstat/lib/wymeditor/wymeditor/skins/pstat/',
postInit: function(wym) {
The snippets are located at /wymeditor_style/ (which is resolving correctly, tested both directly in my browser and by putting gibberish in the file which crashes WYMeditor).
Can anyone provide any insight in to what I might have to do in order to modify the number of those ordered lists?