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Theming: Stylesheets versus themes

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Theming: Stylesheets versus themes

Postby winhamwr on Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:09 am


I'm attempting to use the stylesheet option to include a small section of code that just styles the lists in the editor. The issue is that I can't figure out which styles to modify in order to change the default of decimal list ordering only (1. 2. 3. etc) to something like upper-alpha, decimal, lower-alpha. My clients use the editor as intended and I then style their documents afterwards with the preferred method of styling (which happens to be alpha -> decimal -> lower-alpha) and it's confusing composing a document which then receives a new list numbering system.

I've tried both of the following (plus a lot of other stuff) test css snippets to see if I can have any effect:
Code: Select all
/* WYMeditor */
/* LIST: Special */
.wym_section ol {
/* /WYMeditor */

Code: Select all
/* WYMeditor */
.wym_containers_p ol {
/* /WYMeditor */

And neither have any effect on the number when called with:
Code: Select all
    basePath: 'http://branch.pstat/lib/wymeditor/wymeditor/',
html: '',
stylesheet: '/wymeditor_style/',
skinPath: 'http://branch.pstat/lib/wymeditor/wymeditor/skins/pstat/',
    postInit: function(wym) {

The snippets are located at /wymeditor_style/ (which is resolving correctly, tested both directly in my browser and by putting gibberish in the file which crashes WYMeditor).

Can anyone provide any insight in to what I might have to do in order to modify the number of those ordered lists?
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:58 am

Re: Theming: Stylesheets versus themes

Postby mr_lundis on Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:07 pm

Hello winhamwr, and welcome to the WYMeditor forum!

The stylesheet option can be used to provide WYMeditor with a CSS file to parse for classes that the user then can apply to the editor content. Try to modify the wymiframe.css file instead, this file governs the editor presentation of the content.

Jonatan Lundin - designer, developer and forum moderator. You should follow me on Twitter!
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