balduin wrote:mr_lundis wrote:Tables are used very rarely these days in modern websites, so the table handling hasn't been that highly prioritized.
Well, you forget that there was, is and always will be an important use for tables even on modern websites: TABLES. That means all kind of listings with more than one or two collumns like timetables, pricelistings, listings of events and so on.
I've absolutely not forgotten that,
tables are to be used for tabular data. What I meant was that since WYMeditor does not use tables for presentation/layout like in most WYSIWYG editors (and poorly made web sites) that area hasn't received much love...
balduin wrote:I used the wymeditor in a CMS for a customer who wants to use tables for a listing of events with date, name and location (3columns). Everything worked fine until he wanted to edit the tables by his own. He tried it with Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7 and IE7 on WindowsXP but it was impossible to add or delete columns and rows and in Firefox he even could not edit the content of the tables. He also tried it in the wymeditor-OnlineDemo - same Problems. I tried it on MacOS with Firefox & Safari - no Problems at all.
Can anybody help me?
He should absolutely be able to edit the tables. Whats lacking in WYMeditor table wise is primarily a solid cross browser table editing UI, and there's also some problems with inserting content below the table. I'm afraid I cannot be of much more help unless I have some more details. But if you are able to edit the tables then maybe its not the editor directly thats at fault, I might be that your client is having trouble using the editor, which would be totally understandable.
Oh, by the way, table editing works best in Firefox as it draws these little inline editing controls unavailable in other browsers.