Hello, I have some questions:
1) How to set the initial wymeditor box area? (I modified the css of the skin I'm using, but I guess it's not the recommended way)
2) I need that each image I put into the content has a predefined class (i.e. <img src = "myImg.jpg"/> --> <img src = "myImg.jpg" class="myClass"/>). What is
the best way to achieve that?
3) I also need to wrap each image with a <a href> which has the href attribute equal to the src attribute of the wrapped image and (only if present) the same title attribute of the wrapped image (i.e. <img src = "myImg.jpg"/> --> <a href = "myImg.jpg"/><img src = "myImg.jpg"/></a> and <img src = "myImg.jpg"/> --> <a href = "myImg.jpg" title ="myImage"/><img src = "myImg.jpg" title ="myImage"/></a>) Is there a way to achieve that using wymeditor? Right now this processing is done server side, but I guess that would be better to have it done in the editor, if possible.
Thank you in advance for any help!
Stefano Emiliozzi