using 0.5-b2
I've seen the other posts also. I'm adding links like:
- Code: Select all
$.wymeditors(0).insert('<h6><a href="'+this.href+'" title="">'+$(this).text()+'</a></h6>');
The source URL is absolute (eg. but is added with ../../etc.
Can anyone at least explain where this behavior is happening? I've gone through the source and cannot figure out how/why these URLs get changed. From the fix mentioned, it appears that this is supposed to be a feature, not a bug. Can someone explain that, also? I'd be happy to try to patch this if, well, if I knew what to patch. But, also, I don't really understand why it happens in the first place.
FWIW, I cannot have these kinds of links as I'm using the editor to create a newsletter email. This makes the links quite useless.