I have a strange problem with WYMeditor in IE. If the editor is instantiated in the same div twice (whithout refreshing the page in between), the content in the editor is not editable the second time the editor is instantiated. The editor initializes and shows whatever text was in the textarea, but paragraphs etc. in the editor does not respond when clicking them and the caret is never shown.
I do something like this:
// Instantiating
- Code: Select all
$('.content .wymeditor:first').wymeditor({...options...});
// Removal
- Code: Select all
var $html = $.wymeditors(0).html();
$('.content .wymeditor:first').html('');
I've tried all sorts of things. Removing the .content div, removeing the .wymeditor div and setting WYMeditor.INSTANCES = []; Nothing seems to work. Does anybody have any experiences with similar bugs or know how to solve this particular bug?