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Adding image upload support

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Adding image upload support

Postby DAC84 on Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:47 pm

Does anyone have a plugin/mod to change the Image dialog box to have uploading capability?

I have been playing around with the dialog code so now the var 'sBodyHtml' does an ajax call to get an uploading script. This script will upload files and/or view images from a directory, which all works fine until you upload an image.The problem is that the form submits to itself... creating more issues as WYMeditor doesn't exist etc. etc.

Im aware that I can develop this further so that the upload is done via ajax within the dialog box, but I wanted to see if anyone had a similar script that I could use as a base before I start developing it? Alternatively, if anyone thinks they can give me some advice on my current script that would be greatly appreciated too!

Thanks in advance
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