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How to use Resize plug in:Drupal

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How to use Resize plug in:Drupal

Postby curlyfro on Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:58 am

Can anyone tell me how to install and use the resize plug in for WYMeditor in Drupal? I'm new to .js files.

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Joined: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:52 am

Re: How to use Resize plug in:Drupal

Postby Nico on Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:01 pm


To load the resize plugin, you have to load the jQuery UI files and the plugin's .js files into your HTML doc.
Than, you have to call "wym.resizable();" in the "postInit" function.

If you want, I made another resize plugin :

This plugin doesn't need jQuery UI, so it's a little bit smaller, and a little bit easier to use (less js files to load).

To use it, you just have to load the plugin's js file, and than you call "wym.initResize()" in the preInit function (Or in the Init function of the skin).

In Drupal I don't know how it is integrated, but you'll probably find how to load new js files, and how to change the call of wymeditor in the js scripts. Maybe someone else can help on this ?

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Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:49 pm

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