by Nico on Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:48 pm
I think there's no way to do this exactly. You can stop the edit mode of the iframe, but than the Wymeditor's buttons will probably stil work, and than you'll probably meet some strange behaviors.
There's one thing I don't understand :
Why do you want to load on your page a complete WYSIWYM editor just to disable it ?
Wymeditor is designed to edit content. Why loading it if you don't want to edit the content ?
Maybe I have a solution for you, but I don't know if you'll like it : I made a plugin to close wymeditor, and go back to the simple textarea. Using this plugin, you can close wymeditor, and disable the textarea. Does this looks good for you ?
And there's always one thing to remember : whatever you do, you can't stop users from editing a form value. A disabled field can be edited easily. So disabling give you no guaranty that the content will not change. You always have to check contents after anyway.