I'd *really* like to know how to stop <script> being stripped out so that I can embed SWFObject calls.
Yes - I've read both of these:
--- http://meridimus.com/post/167515648/wymeditor-flash
--- http://simonwoodside.com/weblog/2009/2/ ... ym_editor/
and got it working with YouTube embedding.
But - this doesn't really help with SWFObject.
CKEditor simply allows me to do this, but screws up other code by sticking other bits of guff in - which is why i'd really *like* to use WYMEDITOR.
Can anyone help here? Don't mind hacking the code.
I came across this in the code:
WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype.addScript = function(text)
this.output += text;
but couldn't figure out how to simply tell is that this.remove_scripts=false. Also, if I simply commented out the logic such that
this.output += text;
was always happening, made no difference.
So - any ideas anyone?