I am a poet, not a programmer.
I remodeled my web site using an open source template that I found surfing MODx.
I know nothing! I admit years ago I purchased a NeXTcolor work station because i wanted to develop a piece of software on it. The terminal was scary. Trust my knowledge of HTML and etc., is rudimentary. (The software I designed/developed is @ http://alphabet-learning.com
Well, what I like about this WYMeditor is the button that says html. My thought is to compose essays right in the wymeditor and then hit the html button and somehow upload the file? Or do I compose in the editor, hit html and then copy the file and paste it where i want it?
My favorite browser for website remodeling is omniweb. You click on "view in source editor" and upcomes a beautiful bare bones text editor to compose your changes in - then you can look at it off line before the final upload. I use Safari and Firefox but I like Omniweb. It was great on the NeXT!
Last month I had 1100 unique visitors and 25 thousand hits. This month I already have 35 thousand hits so I have to add a forum so people can communicate, and I have to start a daily video blog and pod cast. wymeditor looks like a great tool. Is there a way I hook it up to a browser or should I plan on copy and paste.
This is open source. Here is a copy of "New World Hors D'oeuvres" http://michaelslevinson.com/newworld.pdf
In good open source faith
Michael S Levinson
jacklegsjumpingup (at) earthlink.net