tilzinger wrote:It makes me think that there isn't much active development going on, which would be unfortunate b/c WYMeditor is really good. Would hate to see it die.
I can confirm that tickets
http://trac.wymeditor.org/trac/ticket/189 and
http://trac.wymeditor.org/trac/ticket/187 suggested fixes work, and I've implemented them into my local copy. Just wondering why such easy fixes like this haven't been addressed in the latest release/nightly? I also wonder how many other easy fixes there might be that haven't been addressed.
I'll take a look at those tickets.
tilzinger wrote:The Firefox 3.6 cursor bug is perhaps the most noticeable and annoying bug, but it could strictly be a Firefox issue. I was wondering if it was possible to refocus the cursor when you click on it the first time. E.g., the page loads, you click on it, but it quickly focuses on another element on the page, then brings the focus back to WYMeditor, because if you click outside of WYMeditor, then click back, the cursor appears.
The FF 3.6 issue is fixed now.
duw wrote:Yep, I posted a translation a few months ago. No reply. No reply to forum question. No reply to PM admin. I think this is my last post here, without active development, I'm going back to Spaw2
Your translation is in the trunk now.
tilzinger wrote:I've used WYM on a lot of projects, and is my main editor of choice for all my EE projects, and it's performed very well, even for a 0.5 release. Competitors like CKeditor are very actively developed, which leaves me wondering which one I should be using.
Those of us who work with WYMeditor (just me, at the moment

) are doing so in our spare time. Both CKeditor and TinyMCE are big commercial projects - with employees working with the development. To expect us (me) to provide commercial grade support during the limited time I have available - and at the same time expect the development to move forward is unreasonable. Thats not to say that the WYMeditor project is dead - although some help with development, maintenance, or anything else would be appreciated.

I hope I've managed to make things a little clearer.