I'm not good lawyer, so that I don't understand the whole licensing thing.
We are programming closed-source commercional CMS, and we would like to include WYM editor within it with our modifications.
Since WYM editor is dual licensed under GPL and MIT license, I just don't understand what that means.
If the project is under GPL, all modifications have to be given back to the community. That is okay, but if the project includes the GPL project, even derived project have to be released under GPL.
MIT seems to be something like do-wathever-you-want license, thus we can include WYM editor in our binaries, don't have to report all modifications back..
Now, for the questions:
- What actually means dual-licensing? Customer can choose, or we have to obey both of the licenses?
- Do we have to write into the CMS that we are using WYM editor actually? Can we write there that it is modified?
- Do we have to report ALL modifications back to the community? We will, of course since we support open-source projects, however, not all modifications can be reported because they will be useless and some of them will lead to possible stealing of our know-how and thus our project will not be guarded against this.
- If the project is GPL, and we hardcode it into our CMS, do we have to release CMS Source?
I believe that someone of you know the answers...
Thanks for your time and work.
Best Regards,
Pavel Ptacek, Czech Republic