These changes assume WYMeditor v0.5 RC 2, and also assume you'll be editing the uncompressed version of "jquery.wymeditor.js".
1) Add a new constant anywhere in the constants block at the top of the file:
- Code: Select all
TARGET : "target"
2) Add a new selector anywhere in the selectors block:
- Code: Select all
targetSelector : ".wym_target"
3) Update the "dialogLinkHtml" markup (near line 564) to insert the following markup before the submit button DIV container:
- Code: Select all
+ "<div class='row'>"
+ "<label>Open in new window?</label>"
+ "<input type='checkbox' class='wym_target' value=' target=\"_blank\"' />"
+ "</div>"
4) Update the "WYMeditor.INIT_DIALOG" function and insert the following markup at the very end inside the "if(selected)" block to do with auto-populating fields:
- Code: Select all
if (jQuery(selected).attr(WYMeditor.TARGET) == '_blank') {
jQuery(wym._options.targetSelector).each(function() {
this.checked = true;
5) In the same "WYMeditor.INIT_DIALOG" function a bit further down, inside the click event handler for "wym._options.dialogLinkSelector", right after the "link.HREF" and "link.TITLE" attributes are being set, add this:
- Code: Select all
var newWinCheckbox = jQuery(wym._options.targetSelector)[0];
if (newWinCheckbox.checked) {
link.attr(WYMeditor.TARGET, '_blank');
} else {
6) Last but not least, update the "WYMeditor.XhtmlValidator" structure for "_tags" -> "a" -> "attributes", and add a sixth item after the "type" attribute:
- Code: Select all
This has been working a treat for me on several sites.
Of course, you should take a backup of the file before editing it in case something goes wrong!