Hi! First , I think the WYMeditor is *da-bomb* !!! It is very light-weight and gives just the right amount of functionality to the user without giving "too much" .
I plan to use your editor in several CMS websites, so I wrote a PHP wrapper so I can initialize, load all the included *.js files and setup the editor with a single Javascript statement like:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://dev.yourdomain.com/htmleditor/wymeditor/wymeditor/WYMsetup.php?url_base=http://dev.yourdomain.com/htmleditor/wymeditor/wymeditor/&preview_url=http://dev.yourdomain.com/preview.html&preview_features=scrollbars,width=767,height=500"></script>
My WYMsetup.php wrapper works perfectly , but each of the *.js files begin with three little hex characters : EF BB BF .
That causes problems in my PHP loader for all the *.js files. Are these three characters needed? I just took them all out of my files, but it would be nice if in future these three characters could "disappear".