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automatically make a paragraph when users start typing?

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automatically make a paragraph when users start typing?

Postby alfrombrum on Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:22 pm

is it possible to make is so that a paragraph is automatically made when users start typing?

at the moment, when there is no text and users start typing, the text is unformatted. to make a paragraph, users have to click on the 'b' or 'i' buttons (even selecting paragraph from the formatting menu doesn't work in 0.4 beta 2 - at least not in the code i copied from the demo page). since this is an unnecessary step, how can i make it so that a paragraph is automatically made when a user starts typing?

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Postby mcfang on Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:04 am

You can set it up so that you start with a paragraph instead of a blank canvas: pre-populate the editor div with "<p> </p>". Seems to work well in v0.2, YMMV.
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Postby alfrombrum on Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:07 pm

i can't get it to work.

if i change the initial textarea that the wymeditor replaces and put in <p> </p>, a white paragraph box is displayed, but when i click in it, the cursor goes to the end of that box, and new text is inserted below it, unformatted. i'm using firefox. apparently it works fine in ie.

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Postby jfh on Wed Jul 18, 2007 8:25 am

Does the demo work for you?
What's your FF version?
Where do you put the '<p></p>' ?
Do you get any error message?
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Postby jfh on Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:42 pm

I think I see what's happening.
Please test with <p><br></p> instead of an empty paragraph. FF needs the <br> to edit it.
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Postby ceejayoz on Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:28 pm

<p>&nbsp;</p> is probably better than a <br>. There just has to be non-whitespace text in there.
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