Hi folks,
I'm working on a Firefox plugin to allow for editing of code (including code syntax highlighting) inside the Firefox (or now Netscape 9.0) browser.
I'm using WYMeditor because I'm familiar with jQuery, and I love the jQuery library.
Anyway, I've got the editor successfully embedded within the Firefox browser (you just click on a menu item and it opens in a new tab). There seems to be some issues with the paths to various files, which I am trying to sort out. None of the pop up buttons currently work because of path problems.
If anyone wants to help me out with that, I would appreciate it. The link to the code is below:
Download fireeditor.xpi
On my todo list:
1. Integrate the Chili (jQuery) code highlighting plugin.
2. Create a 'Save', 'Save as', 'Load', 'New' file menu for the editor.
3. Fix the bug(s) described above.
4. Create an official project on the Firefox extensions page.
Anything else anyone can suggest?