Salut JF - je me debrouille en Francais ... mais en Anglais c'est plus facile ...tant pour moi et pour le reste .. quand meme je te félicite en Francais come il faut )... et en anglais...
..First of all I have to day that this is simply neat and unique - great thanks!!
I'm having some trouble with 0.2 dev in Firefox2.0 - when I open a new document and want to set the first paragraph I do so using the menue - but it's only when I start typing that the visualization of the paragraph section is actually activated. Alternatively, as a workaround, I could move the cursor back an forward and the see the paragraph block.
Should the editor by default give me an empty paragraph section on opening a new document?
There is also a situation where you cannot access the paragraph block via the mouse - after some time I found out that moving the back and forward cursor keys you can access the paragraph.
I also had the situation (although I can't reproduce it consistently) where leaving an H1 section by pressing the enter key, you don't get a <p> but an <H1> again.
Are these issues known? Am I possibly misunderstanding the default behaviour of the editor? On your blog you discuss new 0.3 Version in a posting which is 4 weeks old - in trac you have an 0.3 branch with changes 2 days could you point out the changes?
salut de Cologne (Allemagne)