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Encountered Problems

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Encountered Problems

Postby Dyflexis on Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:55 pm

Start with an empty document. Press the bold button, start typing. You'll see that no new paragraph is set, until you unpress the bold button.

Only existing containers can be set through the container's menu. I guess whenever an user presses a container, a container should appear.
Last edited by Dyflexis on Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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H1 bug

Postby Dyflexis on Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:28 pm

If you start with an H1 container, have the cursor at the beginning of the container and press up, a new Paragraph will be inserted above the H1 container. I suggest this is unwanted behavoir

Ps. This is with every container.

Alright, next problem:

The document loses focus which can't be restored. If an user presses the bold button, it would be great if he could start writing bold immediately. The problem is that only input elements can get focus through the focus() function.


It seemed like nothing could get focus back to design mode, I was wrong.
In Mozilla:
place it in the execCom function and in the setContainer function.
This doesn't work as it should within the setContainer function and it doesn't work in IE.

About Focus: Focus can only be applied to view and input objects.
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Re: Encountered Problems

Postby jfh on Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:01 pm

Dyflexis wrote:Start with an empty document. Press the bold button, start typing. You'll see that no new paragraph is set, until you unpress the bold button.

Only existing containers can be set through the container's menu. I guess whenever an user presses a container, a container should appear.

Well, this way of editing isn't recommended.
You must write some text, and then apply commands on the selection, change containers, and so on.

Anyway, I've made a fix for the problem you describe.

Please update your copy via svn.
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Re: H1 bug

Postby jfh on Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:16 pm

Dyflexis wrote:1
If you start with an H1 container, have the cursor at the beginning of the container and press up, a new Paragraph will be inserted above the H1 container. I suggest this is unwanted behavoir

Ps. This is with every container.

Well, in your example, maybe the user wants to add content (paragraphs, headings, ...) before the h1 and then remove the h1, or alter it?

Dyflexis wrote:The document loses focus which can't be restored. If an user presses the bold button, it would be great if he could start writing bold immediately.

As I said in my previous answer, using the editor this way is not recommended.

BTW, thanks for your feedback.
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Postby Dyflexis on Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:10 pm

Does the user serve the system or does the system serve the user? I'd like to use this system to serve a LOT of users, that's why I think these issues should be handled. Thanks for the fix and keep up the good work!

New problem FOUND:

Start with 2 paragraphs, enter some content in the first one, leave the second empty. Now add a class to the upper paragraph, the second paragraph won't be editable.
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Postby jfh on Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:55 pm

Dyflexis wrote:Does the user serve the system or does the system serve the user? I'd like to use this system to serve a LOT of users, that's why I think these issues should be handled.

I totally agree with you. But currently, I'm alone (writing the core code), trying to handle *so many things* created by others (MSIE's contentEditable and Gecko's Midas, but soon Opera and Safari, I hope). If you say that, I guess you don't know how difficult it is.

Please don't forget: this is Free Software, as in speech, and as in beer; if it doesn't work the way you'd like, please feel free to help improve it. Feedback is really great, code is essential.

Dyflexis wrote:Thanks for the fix and keep up the good work!

OK ;)
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Postby jfh on Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:13 pm

Dyflexis wrote:Start with 2 paragraphs, enter some content in the first one, leave the second empty. Now add a class to the upper paragraph, the second paragraph won't be editable.

Good call, thank you. This is the same problem you pointed, which appears when removing <br> nodes (util.js).
Gecko needs them to edit paragraphs.

New fix is available via svn update.
I've made dozens of tests and it seems to be fixed now, but maybe I missed something (another weird scenario ?)...
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