Welcome sehmaschine and Enchos, it's really great to see you here!
I don't know if you saw it, but I've already started to work on WYMeditor 0.3, which will use jQuery.
I must say that I'm no Javascript Guru (rather a C# coder and a sysadmin), but I try to do my best to write good Javascript code.
Daniel has pointed me jQuery some weeks ago, and I love it!
It helps me to improve my code, and code faster.
Please understand that (currently) lack of time is our major problem. We work full-time for a small web agency in Belgium, which core business is web design and hosting, so we don't have enough time to develop WYMeditor as we'd like (but we do our best!). So, any help is greatly appreciated.
We've read your discussion about WYMeditor on jQuery's mailing-list, and saw you were talking about Drupal.
Two guys from Drupal's community have already started WYMeditor (0.2) integration - it's in early stage, but editing works fine.
About the features you propose: there are really good ideas!
Some features are already present but (as you correctly said) undocumented: you can already apply classes on images, drag & drop elements, and use templates to insert custom predefined elements.
About Trac: we've chosen it because it integrates well with Subversion, ant it works fine. We currently don't use the features/bug tracking system, but we find it OK.
Anyway, we're open to discussion about other solutions.
About the website: thanks for pointing us. As you certainly guessed, English is not our mother language, so if you find other errors, please don't hesitate to report them.
About WYMeditor 0.3: I've chosen to write some code from scratch, for several reasons. One of them was the impossibility to use several WYMeditor instances in the same page.
You can check the current (alpha) status here:
http://files.wymeditor.org/wymeditor/br ... vinne/0.3/
I'm not sure if the dialog system I've implemented (which replaces popups) is a good solution.
In fact, WYMeditor 0.2 uses popups, otherwise we loose the selection in IE.
Maybe the window plugin you talk about will solve this.
Currently, I'd like to firstly work on basic features: editing must work, adding lists, images, links, tables, classes, copy-paste, and code cleanup. All this in MSIE (from 5.5 to 7) and Gecko.
Compatibility with Opera and Safari would be nice, too.
So, there's much work, and any help (code, testing, documentation, ideas, and so on) would be greatly appreciated.
So, again, thanks for being here.