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IE7 Bug

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IE7 Bug

Postby leahcimic on Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:10 am


I would like to report that wymeditor does not work entirely in Internet Explorer 7. When changing a 'container' there is a bug at around line 1689, tags is not defined.

I haven't bothered to go through all the code and work out how it works, what the authors intentions with the variable was as I have not had the time.

However I can say that the following changes helped me.

Code: Select all
tag = tag.replace(/^([\s<\/>]*)|([\s<\/>]*)$/gm,'').toLowerCase();
return tag;

Does the trick for me. I haven't seen any problems with this as of yet. If there is a better solution available, I for one, would love to know.
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Joined: Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:03 am
Location: Adelaide

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