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Postby Ocoth on Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:17 pm

This is just what I've been looking for, I even drew up plans myself which are rather similar to this in some aspects, but I lacked the JavaScript ability to really know how to go about it!

Thank you for your work on this project :-).

Is there any way I can become involved, do you have a developers IRC room or something more live than a forum?

Keep up the good work,

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:10 pm

Re: Fantastic!

Postby jfh on Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:26 pm

Ocoth wrote:This is just what I've been looking for, I even drew up plans myself which are rather similar to this in some aspects, but I lacked the JavaScript ability to really know how to go about it!

Thank you for your work on this project :-).

You're welcome :)

Ocoth wrote:Is there any way I can become involved, do you have a developers IRC room or something more live than a forum?

Well, we should create one on freenode, maybe...

We're currently planning version 0.3 features - discussion is open!

We've also started a thread on the jQuery mailing-list, if you're interested (see 'WYMeditor plugin').

There's also much work to do on the trac website (

I'll soon release 0.2 stable, so if you've find a bug in current revision, please contact me.
The repo is at svn://

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Postby Daniel_R on Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:28 pm

Thank you for your message. :)

A lot of work could be done to improve WYMeditor, its documentation and overall communication.

As Jean-François said, there can be various ways to contribute: by coding, by testing and submitting bugs, by suggesting features, by helping users on the forum, by improving the documentation...
English is not our native language so there are surely a lot of things to improve on the website and on the wiki.

I discovered recently that some aspects of WYMeditor can be difficult to understand or get unnoticed for some people. So we discussed the possibility to make some screencasts to explain the usage and concepts of WYMeditor.

There may be other ways to help WYMeditor but I think all these points can be a good start.

Please let us know if you are interested to help in any of these areas.
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Joined: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:19 pm

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