first of all sorry for my english, i hope you'll understand me anyway.
looking for a nice little wysiwyg editor to integrate into my own cmsystem i finally found wymeditor to be the right one to individualize. for me it's most important that the create code is xhtml 1.1 strict valid. images or tables are not really interesting to me, but what i'm really missing are buttons for the following tags:
- big
- small
- ins
- del
- cite
- q (quote)
so, i allready inserted the buttons into the toolsItems-Array and integrated them into the icons.png and the screens.css. so they are displayed correctly.
the next even more important step would be to tell WYMeditor what it should do wenn the button "big" is clicked. it's not really difficult because it should just work like the "Bold/Strong" and "Italic/Emphasize" Button but i just don't know where do add this command.
Can anybody help me? Thanks for reading!