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CMS integration

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CMS integration

Postby Basti on Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:10 am


I want to integrate WYMeditor in our CMS (open source/public license). There are some requirements:

- Fixing image resizing bug (#67)
- Possibility to insert „Components“. Possible components are „Gallery“, „Address“, „RelatedPages“, „Slideshow“, „VideoPlayer“ and so on. They should be visible as an div container with icon and component name in the editor and be movable up and down (like in jQuery UI sortable or with up and down arrows). On click at the div the components edit form should open in an div-popup (like in lightbox, facebox, blockUI …).

- divs instead of popups (#63)
- Disallowing unproportional image resizing

My JavaScript skills are not very good and I have low capacities to implement this by myself. I also don't want to start my own WYMeditor fork but I have to implement this within the next three weeks. Is there one of you core developers interested in doing this job and … what's your price?

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:17 am
Location: Kassel, Germany

Postby mr_lundis on Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:12 pm

I'm also planning to integrate WYM in the CMS I'm currently developing, and I'd like to add a couple of other things to this "list".

- A more easily customised GUI, skinning
- Some file/media manager callbacks

At the moment I'm experimenting with multiply instances and stuff to get the component support that Basti requests. But to have that nativity in WYM, probably as a plug-in, would definitely be nice!

These are some of those things that I'd like to see in the future versions of WYMEdtitor.
Posts: 335
Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:59 am
Location: Sweden

Re: CMS integration

Postby manat on Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:53 am

I would be very interested in a Joomla module / cms. The only thing I would need is logging in to one system, so that users have acces to Joomla as well as wymeditor. Just like the coppermine / wymeditor cms.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:00 am

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