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Images and inserting at caret

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Images and inserting at caret

Postby alistairholt on Mon May 05, 2008 6:31 pm

I'm developing a CMS and have got a 'bucket' feature as seen in Mephisto which allows me to store asset details (basically the path to the asset) between pages so that they can be inserted into an article body for example. I've got some jQuery code to insert strings at caret which is perfect.

The only thing holding me back are that I don't know how easy it will be to change WYMEditor's behaviour with regard to images. I'd like to abandon the way it currently works (dialog to enter image details) and instead use my insertAtCaret function. Anyone how easy/difficult this would be?

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Re: Images and inserting at caret

Postby jfh on Wed May 14, 2008 8:35 pm

Isn't wym.paste() useful for you?
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