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[BUG] xhtml() throws super/subscripted "s" character out

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[BUG] xhtml() throws super/subscripted "s" character out

Postby pl! on Fri May 16, 2008 8:40 am


couldn't find a thread for this bug, so here's the description:

I insert "this is sparta" into the editor's textfield

I super- or subscript the "s" of "sparta"

What's supposed to be the output of wymEditor.xhtml(): "this is <sup>s</sup>parta".

What actually comes out is "this is parta". Seems like it's only the "s" as other characters get wrapped with <sup> or <sub> tags perfectly.

wymEditor version is 0.4, but this also occures on that 0.5 alpha from may 8th.

I hope someone can give me a workaround. I can't use wymEditor.html() as it causes other issues on our system.
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Re: [BUG] xhtml() throws super/subscripted "s" character out

Postby PACE on Sat May 17, 2008 5:52 am

Confirmed. In fact not only superscript is a trigger for this bug, any single "s" wrapped in tags is discarded along with the tags. The cause for this is in function WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener.prototype.removeEmptyTags, which consists of this line:
Code: Select all
return xhtml.replace(new RegExp('<('+this.block_tags.join("|")+')>(<br \/>|&#160;|&nbsp;|\s)*<\/\\1>' ,'g'),'');

There is a backslash missing before "\s", so it erroneously strips tags containing "s" instead of tags containing whitespaces :)
Just change this to
Code: Select all
return xhtml.replace(new RegExp('<('+this.block_tags.join("|")+')>(<br \/>|&#160;|&nbsp;|\\s)*<\/\\1>' ,'g'),'');

I have filed a bug report too (

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Re: [BUG] xhtml() throws super/subscripted "s" character out

Postby pl! on Mon May 19, 2008 7:52 am

Thank you for your quick reply. Works perfectly now !
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Joined: Thu Jan 31, 2008 2:37 pm

Re: [BUG] xhtml() throws super/subscripted "s" character out

Postby jfh on Mon May 19, 2008 8:44 pm

Thanks for the feedback - patch applied (see r500).
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