I would like to suggest a tiny new developers option: text alignment in the dialog boxes and in the WYMeditor iframe (i.e. textarea tag).
The most used language in my website is Hebrew.
As you may know (or not...), the Hebrew language requires text-alignment to the right of the document. The text is read from right to left (rtl). Thus all the elements and the text within should be aligned from right to left.
I've tried to do so on my own.
The code I wrote was:
- Code: Select all
jQuery(function() {
stylesheet: 'styles.css',
lang: 'right',
postInit: function(wym) {wym.hovertools();},
editorStyles:[{"name":"body", "css": "text-align:'right';direction:'rtl';"}],
dialogStyles:[{"name":"body", "css": "text-align:'right';direction:'rtl';"}]
The result was not completely as I expected.
The text in the WYMeditor iframe was aligned OK, but the dialog documents were aligned improperly: the elements didn't changed their position at all.
Please consider adding this tiny built-in option of aligning the WYMeditor iframe and dialog boxed. It would be very helpful.