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'join' regExps

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'join' regExps

Postby onip on Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:38 pm

hi, i'm developing a plugin for an university project to make wymeditor support (some) microformats.
For this to work i need the xhtml validator to allow more expressions than strict xhtml (for example rel="nofollow" or rev="vote-for" in 'a' tags).
To do so during plugin initialization function i substitute
Code: Select all

with my own regexpr (ie. yours with some words added in the end).
Is there a smarter way to do this job? One that doesn't need me to manually adjust regexpr each time you change those?

EDIT: i'm working with svn version (currently r530)
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Re: 'join' regExps

Postby jfh on Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:18 pm

Hi, you can also extend the allowed attributes, by using jQuery.extend. See example 11, custom parser:
Code: Select all
jQuery.extend(WYMeditor.XhtmlValidator._tags['a']['attributes'], {'runat':/^(server)$/});

BTW, your project is very interesting. FYI, I'm also thinking about working on RDFa support.
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Re: 'join' regExps

Postby onip on Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:11 am

$.extend adds new properties to target object or overwrites corresponding ones, am i wrong?
This is what i am already doing 'by hand'.
jfh wrote:BTW, your project is very interesting. FYI, I'm also thinking about working on RDFa support.

It should be near the end (not really complete, but enough for a school project), when finished I'll put it somewhere and ask for suggestions and comments.
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Re: 'join' regExps

Postby jfh on Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:43 pm

onip wrote:$.extend adds new properties to target object or overwrites corresponding ones, am i wrong?
This is what i am already doing 'by hand'.

onip wrote:It should be near the end (not really complete, but enough for a school project), when finished I'll put it somewhere and ask for suggestions and comments.

Great, thanks.
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