looking at the subversion last branch for the new sapi, will be really useful to make some things:
1.- i was wondering about the issue 18 to create tags with some attributtes, like title, cite, etc
2.- i was triying to add a new button with an "insert at cursor position" to create a <q>Write here your Inline quote</q> but no way, i can't get caret position and insert at it.
at this moment all i need is the second one. Just click a button wich inserts a html tag with content "<q>Write here your Inline quote</q>" but i want it at cursor position. At this moment i can add the string to the end of the actual container (.prev().append), even create a new container and add the string. But i want to write the string at cursor position, because my users will add text from word and then they will try to add quotes, cites, etc... after paste the text, so they will select position and click on the "cite" button to add at the position.
I was looking on the forum and i know that the only way, at this moment, is to go back to the 0.2 version with the insertatposition function. I was triying to add that function plus getCaret at version 0.5 but i can't because is difficult for me to translate from the 0.2 architecture to 0.5 one

So, any help will be welcome.
P.D. Good Editor anyway, and will be really better with some things i saw at 0.6 beta
Please, forget my english