I like this editor because its quite lightweight, but the image/file browser have a lot to be desired. I personally hate the way how TinyMCE and FCKEditor is doing, and seems WYMEditor currently is more or less the same- the html based template is very inflexible. I hope somebody could re-engine that to a function pointer with string result return/by reference variable. Talking about this, YUI seems doing quite good:
http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples ... ditor.html
The reasons why I hate FCKEditor/TinyMCE could be found here:
http://bugthis.gearboxsoft.com/2008/09/ ... ditor.html
I just hope the model would go like having all the methods for manipulating the editor content accessible from the editor instance, then the toolbar buttons use these methods, and provide callback override for more complicate features like image and file link.