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WYMeditor for Ext 2.2

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WYMeditor for Ext 2.2

Postby Ad_Astra on Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:39 pm

Hello to all the users and coders!

For some months we've tried to integrate this nice editor into the Ext JS framework, and here is what we could do. This is version 0.1 with only some basic features, so there is much more to come.

I'm glad to present you the demo, which is here (in fact, it is a little bit rewritten original Ext demo from their website), and the download packs with Ext included and without Ext in case you already have it. Comments, code corrections and suggestions are welcome!

Here is the page of the project:

06.10.2008 - version 0.1
  • basic functionality (HTML and source modes, some formatting and containers) implemented. Toolbars are in Ext style now, they need to be included in a window separately.
  • TODO: the editor itself is not written in DOM style, but there is some rough HTML executed here and there. So the authors could not manage to bind Ext events on the iframe properly, therefore the containers switcher does not indicate the current container so far. Hopefully this will be fixed in future releases. Also, tables and images are to come soon.
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Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:42 pm

Re: WYMeditor for Ext 2.2

Postby jfh on Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:00 pm

Hi Ad_Astra,

This is an impressive integration, thanks for sharing your work!

I'm not very used to Ext, could you explain why you weren't able to bind events on the iframe properly?

Another thing: I guess you're aware of the issue; the editor doesn't work in MSIE. Are you working on fixing this?

And how do I pass the WYMeditor options? Do I need to modify the ExtStart.js file?

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