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WYMeditor SVN repository not prepared for svn:externals

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WYMeditor SVN repository not prepared for svn:externals

Postby jezdez on Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:18 pm

Hi there,

I'd like to link to WYMeditor's SVN repo with a svn:external but discovered that while ... wymeditor/ contains a build it isn't correctly configured to be used as a svn:external (SVN throws this error: And svn:// doesn't contain a build as a source file.

Could you please either fix thr http:// repo or add a source build to the svn:// repo?

Thanks and cheers
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Re: WYMeditor SVN repository not prepared for svn:externals

Postby jfh on Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:14 pm

jezdez wrote:Hi there,

I'd like to link to WYMeditor's SVN repo with a svn:external but discovered that while ... wymeditor/ contains a build it isn't correctly configured to be used as a svn:external (SVN throws this error:

Actually it's just a local checkout of the repo, served by Apache. Builds are generated each night with make.

jezdez wrote:And svn:// doesn't contain a build as a source file.
Could you please either fix thr http:// repo or add a source build to the svn:// repo?

The second solution is conceivable. I've recently added a 'releases' directory, containing the packages. I can create another folder, named for example 'builds', with a subdir for each stable version. Is it what you want?
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Re: WYMeditor SVN repository not prepared for svn:externals

Postby jezdez on Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:40 pm

jfh wrote:The second solution is conceivable. I've recently added a 'releases' directory, containing the packages. I can create another folder, named for example 'builds', with a subdir for each stable version. Is it what you want?

Yes, that'd be awesome, since I could link to that directory with the svn:externals property. The directories would basically be the extracted content of the tarballs under releases/.

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Re: WYMeditor SVN repository not prepared for svn:externals

Postby jfh on Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:20 pm

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