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Risizing images in IE, Keep aspect ratio

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Risizing images in IE, Keep aspect ratio

Postby klgmedia on Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:57 pm

Is there a way to keep the aspect ratio of inserted images when resizing?
It works as expected in FF but not in IE.
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Location: Sweden

Re: Risizing images in IE, Keep aspect ratio

Postby mr_lundis on Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:58 am

Try holding down shift or control, can't remember which of them that's the right one...

Jonatan Lundin - designer, developer and forum moderator. You should follow me on Twitter!
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Re: Risizing images in IE, Keep aspect ratio

Postby klgmedia on Wed Apr 22, 2009 7:42 pm

mr_lundis wrote:Try holding down shift or control..

Tried that..
As far as i know there's two "expected" ways this usually works.
The first: Corners keep ratio, sides don't. (FF use this one)
The second: Hold shift/ctrl and ratios are kept.

None of these work in Internet Explorer (6 and 7)..
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Re: Risizing images in IE, Keep aspect ratio

Postby mr_lundis on Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:16 am

I've confirmed the issue and created a ticket. I'm guessing that a possible solution could be to force keeping the aspect ratio by adjusting the image dimensions on resize.

Please feel free to contribute with a fix if you find a working solution.

Jonatan Lundin - designer, developer and forum moderator. You should follow me on Twitter!
Posts: 335
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