I understand that it is not a simple matter to add a <div> container type to WYMEditor. I don't understand why it's so difficult though.
For our purposes, it would be extremely useful functionality. We have developed a plugin system for Django CMS http://github.com/digi604/django-cms-2.0/ (and a presentation system using WYMEditor http://bitbucket.org/spookylukey/semanticeditor).
The plugin system allows us to place database objects (which could be an image, a link, some content, some HTML, some Django template tags - anything) into the editor.
Sometimes, it's OK to place them as inline items (say an image in a paragraph).
But sometimes, it's not. The object might itself contain a <div>, or a <ul>, or a <p> - and the only container it can safely be inserted in is a <div>.
I know that others have also wanted to be able to insert <div>s, possibly for different reasons (they want <div>s with classes for presentation reasons - we don't need that, because the presentation system makes that unnecessary).
Could someone explain why it is so far from a simple matter to extent the list of containers to include <div>s?