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WYMeditor and Drupal : Teaer Break

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WYMeditor and Drupal : Teaer Break

Postby Likeless on Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:28 pm

I'm looking to add a few features to the WYMeditor integration into Drupal.

Most JS based editors in Drupal need to handle an issue with the Drupal teaser breaks, and they do this by inserting "<!--break-->" into the HTML to mark where Drupal's teaser break falls.

I have tried to implement a button for this in WYMeditor, using the following code attempts:

Code: Select all
jQuery(wym._box).find('li.wym_tools_TeaserBreak a').click(function() { wym.paste('<!--break-->');  return(false); });

Code: Select all
jQuery(wym._box).find('li.wym_tools_TeaserBreak a').click(function() { wym.insert('<!--break-->');  return(false); });

They both fail. The function just seems to start a new empty paragraph each time I click the button.

Is there any way of inserting this comment using WYMeditor?
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Joined: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:09 pm

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